ATM 030-LI

Criteria for Designing PANS OPS Procedures Course

- Área:Gerenciamento de Tráfego Aéreo - Idioma: Inglês - Modalidade:Presencial
- Duração:112 horas - Valor: - - Status:Disponível

Objetivo do curso

Course Objective:


The aim of ATM030 CourseCriteria for Designing PANS OPS Procedures - is to enable air traffic controllers to acquire the necessary knowledge of PANS OPS fundamentals in order to be qualified for the Practical Courses on Air Navigation Procedure Design

Estrutura do curso

Table of Contents (Topics):

• Topic Area 1: General Criteria for Air Navigation Procedures Design

Público alvo

Who should attend:

Professional air traffic controllers who are comissioned officers, non comissioned officers and civilians with the necessary prerequisites. 

Foreign student applications must comply with their own State requirements, as long as they meet the background knowledge prerequisites of this document.