ATM 037-LI

Practical Course on Convention a land RNAV/RNP Procedures Design

- Área:Gerenciamento de Tráfego Aéreo - Idioma: Inglês - Modalidade:Presencial
- Duração:202 horas - Valor: - - Status:Disponível

Objetivo do curso

Course Objective:

The ATM037 Practical Course on Convention a land RNAV/RNP Procedures Design is a imedatenabling professionals with the necessary technical knowledge to design Conventionaland RNAV/RNP Procedures Activities. The ATM037 _ Practical Course of Conventionaland RNAV/RNP Will provide comissioned officers with the specialized technical qualification to meet the demand sand interests of the Air Force Command specially the on esof the Airspace Control Department, according to the regulations of the DirectiveAct 100-23. The course Will offeran overview in which AUTOCAD Practice is directed to PANS/OPS activities, followed by specialized contenton the designing of Air Naviagation Procedures.

Estrutura do curso

Tableof Contents (Topics):

• Topic área 1: AUTOCAD Practiceappliedto PANS/OPS

• TopicArea2: Non precisionconventional procedures

• Topicarea3: PrecisionConventionalProcedure (ILS)

• Topicarea4: RNAV/RNP procedures


Público alvo

Who should attend:

This course is recommended to Professional air traffic controllers who are comissioned officers.