CTP 016E

Aeronautical English Course - ACC

- Área:Capacitação e Treinamento de Pessoal - Idioma: Inglês - Modalidade:Online (EAD)
- Duração:85 horas - Valor: - - Status:Disponível

Objetivo do curso

The Aeronautical English Course – ACC (CTP016E) was designed with the aim of offering air traffic controllers working in Area Control Centers (ACC) the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the English language to exercise their profession in their operational body, especially with regard to non-routine and emergency situations.

Estrutura do curso

SUBJECT 1: Air Traffic Control

SUBJECT 2: The Area Control Center

Público alvo

The target audience for this course is Air Traffic Controllers working at ACC who have obtained proficiency level (NP) 3 in the SISCEAB English Language Proficiency Exams (EPLIS) already carried out. It is extended to ACC controllers with NP4 in the revalidation year, that is, who will carry out new EPLIS interviews in the current year of the course.