ATM 034-LI

APV Baro-VNAV Procedures Course

- Área:Gerenciamento de Tráfego Aéreo - Idioma: Inglês - Modalidade:Presencial
- Duração:84 horas - Valor: - - Status:Disponível

Objetivo do curso

The ATM034 Course – APV / BARO-VNAV Procedures Course aims to prepare professionals with technical knowledge to prepare APV/Baro-VNAV Air Navigation Procedures. The APV/Baro-VNAV procedures course (ATM034) should provide the target audience with specialized technical training for the activities recommended by ICA 100-23.

Estrutura do curso

SUBJECT 1: APV Procedures with Baroaltimetric Vertical Navigation (Baro-VNAV)

Público alvo

The target audience for this course is QOECTA officers and other professionals with similar training

Prerequisites - be a QOECTA officer with a current CHT, as provided for in ICA 100-23 or other similar training.